Secrets Of Endurance Training Exercises

Learn The Secrets Of Endurance Training Exercises

According to the various teaching of Best Ways To Attract Women And Art Of Seduction by Stump Town Confidential, you all know the importance of Endurance Training in the art of seduction.

Here is a simple overview and easy guide to various ways of learning the secrets of endurance training exercises. Here are the various topics covered in this special guide – What Is Endurance Training Exercise? Is Endurance Training Exercise Right for You? The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance. How To Measure Your Endurance With These Simple Tools. The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance. Endurance Training Exercises for Beginners. How To Increase Your Fitness Endurance Fast. Tabata To Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina. Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance? Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance?

What Is Endurance Training Exercise?

There are many ways to improve your health and fitness. You might perform strength training to improve your muscle strength and bone density. You might also perform mobility exercises to increase your range of motion, decrease pain, and improve flexibility. Another type of training is called endurance training. It’s commonly used to strengthen your cardiovascular system, which includes your heart and lungs. It may be one of the better types of exercise for overall health and fitness.

What Is Endurance Exercise?

Endurance exercise is designed to strengthen the aerobic system. Your aerobic system is the system that supplies oxygen to your muscles. This oxygen is necessary for the muscles to burn the appropriate fuels which provide your body with the energy it needs to function.

Training your aerobic system by improving your endurance helps your body become more efficient. Your heart gets stronger. Your lung capacity improves. And your entire cardiovascular system functions optimally. Additionally, endurance exercise helps optimize your metabolism, which often leads to weight loss, better sleep, and improved mood.

Learn The Secrets Of Endurance Training Exercises

Learn The Secrets Of Endurance Training Exercises

A heart rate monitor is commonly utilized to help exercisers stay within a predetermined heart rate zone. This zone helps to make sure you stay in your aerobic zone rather than working out too intensely and burning different types of fuel.

Types of Endurance Exercise

There are actually many different types of endurance exercise. The one that’s most common is running. However, sprinting isn’t endurance exercise. That type of high intensity effort builds muscle strength. However, long distance running is an endurance exercise. Swimming and cycling are two other common endurance exercises. And there are others. You might enjoy utilizing a rowing machine, cross-country skiing or dancing.

Endurance Fitness Programs

There are a few common endurance fitness programs to consider. They include:

Periodization – This system embraces a slow build-up of distance over time. For example, you might run one mile a day the first week, two miles a day the second week and so on, until you’re running at a moderate intensity for an hour. This type of training program is also often used for an athlete who is training for an event. For example, if you’re training for a marathon, your weekly long runs would gradually increase each week until you’re running a twenty-mile run once a week.

Intervals – Interval training combines high intensity periods with periods of low or moderate intensity. Tabata intervals are another twist on the interval training, where an athlete may actually rest between periods of high intensity effort.

Finally there is the long slow distance approach. With this approach you would run, or bike or swim, at a low to moderate intensity level for long distances. For example, if you’re a cyclist you might ride your bike for fifty miles at a slow pace.

If you’re seeking improved endurance and are not a competitive athlete, consider gradually increasing your workout time and keeping an eye on your heart rate monitor. Keep the intensity to a moderate level and focus on increasing the amount of time you’re able to work out.

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Is Endurance Training Exercise Right for You?

You may have been told by a well-meaning doctor, trainer or friend that you should look into endurance exercise. Or you may have read an article that made you wonder…is endurance training right for me? Well, it just may be the best thing you can do for your body. However, it’s not for everyone. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of endurance exercise, so you can make the best decision for your health and fitness goals.

What Is Endurance Training Exercise?

What Is Endurance Training Exercise?

Pros of Endurance Training Exercises

Endurance exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system. It promotes a healthy heart and lungs and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. If you’re concerned about your cardiovascular health, endurance exercise may be for you.

Endurance exercise promotes an efficient metabolism. Endurance training means that your body is staying in the aerobic zone. It’s using oxygen to help supply energy and fuel to your muscles. While there are weight-loss benefits to strengthening both your aerobic and anaerobic systems, endurance exercise trains your body to optimize your metabolism. If you’re exercising for an hour or two a day, you’re going to lose weight.

It’s also good for your mindset. Because endurance exercise is performed at a low to moderate intensity level, you’re able to exercise for longer periods of time. This time is often useful to clear your head, let go of the day’s concerns and generally de-stress.

You have an abundance of options. While many people think of running when they think of endurance exercise, you can bicycle, dance, row, cross-country ski and swim too. In other words, you’re not limited to running. And in many cases there are fitness machines you can purchase so you can exercise year round.

Cons of Endurance Training Exercises

It can take a lot of time out of your day. Endurance exercise by definition is a longer exercise program. You’re not going to put out a high intensity effort for twenty minutes and be done with your fitness routine. Instead, you’ll exercise for an hour or more depending on your goals and current fitness level. This type of program doesn’t fit into everyone’s schedule.

Endurance exercise also doesn’t take functional fitness or strength training into the whole body health equation. It may be wiser to incorporate endurance exercise into a complete training program. For example, you might do yoga or lift weights twice a week and jog ten miles at a low intensity three times a week.

Endurance exercise is a fantastic way to improve your health. Talk to your trainer or health professional to help you decide if it’s right for you and how to get started.

The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

You may have heard a lot about endurance exercise. Many doctors recommend it to their patients. Personal trainers and weight loss coaches often recommend it to their clients. And sports and fitness magazines commonly share information on a variety of endurance fitness programs and exercises. But what exactly are the benefits of endurance exercise and why should you consider adding it to your health and fitness approach?

Is Endurance Training Exercise Right for You?

Is Endurance Training Exercise Right for You?

Better Mental Health

Recent studies have shown that endurance exercise reduces the risk for depression and in many cases reduces symptoms of depression. With more oxygen flowing through your body, it is thought that your hormonal systems are positively impacted. You receive a flow of endorphins, feel-good hormones. Additionally, your body is better able to manage stress. You feel better, are happier, and more relaxed.

Stronger Brain

The oxygenated blood flow doesn’t just go to your heart, lungs, and muscles – it also goes to your brain and other organs. This increased blood flow to the brain has been shown to improve cognitive ability. You think faster, your thoughts are clearer, and you may even find that you have improved creative, problem-solving and analytical skills.

Reduced Risk of Disease

Endurance exercise utilizes your aerobic systems. This means your heart and lungs work to pull oxygen into your body and then pump it throughout. A stronger heart generally means a healthier heart and a healthier cardiovascular system. This means a reduced risk for heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, endurance exercise helps regulate and improve your metabolism, which can help you lose weight. And with a healthy diet it can reverse Type Two diabetes for many adults.

More Energy

Endurance athletes often find that they have more energy throughout their day. If you wake up and work out for an hour or two, you might think you’d be exhausted the rest of the day. Actually, the opposite is true. First, you’re not working out at a high intensity level. Instead, you’re exercising at a low to moderate intensity level which doesn’t tax your systems. Second, you’re improving your metabolism and thus training your body to provide you with energy all day long. Of course a healthy diet helps too.

Improved Fitness

And improved fitness is certainly not to be left out. When you add endurance exercise to your exercise program, you’ll improve your body’s ability to work hard for longer periods of time. You may find that this translates into other areas of your life too. That long hike with your friends is suddenly a lot easier.

Finally, people who add endurance exercise to their fitness program often enjoy improved sleep. Chalk it up to healthier systems, reduced stress, and a balanced metabolism.

Simple Tools to Help You Measure Your Endurance

Strength is one measure of fitness. There’s also your VO2max or the measure of oxygen consumption. And there’s also your endurance. Endurance may be one of the most important levels of fitness because it impacts your body in a number of ways. So how do you measure your endurance? How do you know if you’re in shape, what goals to set, or how to improve your endurance? You need a starting point, a measurement.

The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

One-Mile Endurance and Fitness Test

The simplest test is the one-mile test. This test requires you to run/walk a mile as fast as you can. The only tool you need is a stopwatch so you can see how fast you are able to cover the distance. It’s strongly recommended that you warm up. Walk a mile first to get your muscles ready to go and your cardiovascular system warmed up.

Once you’re warm, it’s time to walk or run that mile as fast as you can. Record your results. There are charts you can use to determine your endurance and fitness level based on your time. For example, if you’re female and between the ages of 40 and 49, anything less than fourteen minutes is excellent. For a man of the same age, anything less than thirteen minutes is excellent. If you don’t achieve “Excellent” results, don’t worry. You can begin an endurance training program and start improving your endurance and overall fitness level.

The Three-Minute Step Test

Another test you can take at home is the three-minute step test. You need a step, about twelve inches tall. You can use your home steps if you don’t have a fitness step. You also need a metronome and a stopwatch. You may have a smartphone application that counts beats per minute. You want to set your watch or metronome to 96 beats per minute. Each beat is a step up or a step down. Continue stepping on the beat for three full minutes.

As soon as the three minutes is up, take your pulse for a minute. You can do this by putting your fingers on the main artery in your neck. Count all the beats for a minute. Again, there are charts you can find online that will help you determine your score. For a man age 46-55, an excellent score is a heart rate between 56 and 82 beats per minute. A woman of the same age would have an excellent score if her heart rate were between 63 and 91.

If you’re concerned about your fitness level, you can also head to your doctor and request a fitness test. VO2max tests can be performed at your local sports performance center as well. Knowing your endurance levels can help you determine an appropriate fitness program so you can effectively boost your health.

The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

Over the past few decades a different approach to endurance fitness has emerged. The long slow distance method was introduced in the late 1960s. It’s not for everyone and is really designed for runners and cyclists. If you are active in these sports or want to improve your endurance and enjoy running or cycling, then this approach may be right for you.

Simple Tools to Help You Measure Your Endurance

Simple Tools to Help You Measure Your Endurance

What Is the Long Slow Distance Endurance Approach?

The LSD or Long Slow Distance approach builds endurance by requiring an athlete to run or bike at a low to moderate intensity level over a long distance. For example, if you’re a runner you might run at 50% of your maximum heart rate. And instead of going out for your usual 5K run you might double or triple that length, so you’d be running six or nine miles a day at a much slower pace than your normal 5K training pace.

Likewise if you’re a cyclist and you normally go out and ride for twenty miles at a moderate to intense pace, you’d double or triple that distance and reduce your intensity level. Note: with the LSD approach it’s often important to wear a heart rate monitor. It’s very difficult for a person to evaluate their intensity level, and 50% of your maximum heart rate may initially feel like you’re going too slowly. There is a learning process and it can take time to mentally adapt to the long slow distance approach.

Most people equate fitness with intensity, heavy breathing and sore muscles. You may experience the sore muscles after running two to three times your normal distance, but you won’t experience the same degree of pumping heart and tired lungs.

A heart rate monitor can help you keep your heart and intensity level in the appropriate zone. After a few weeks of training this way your body will become used to the intensity levels.

Does It Really Work to Increase Endurance?

Many endurance athletes swear by the long slow distance approach. They notice that their body gradually begins to get stronger. While it may have taken them a few hours to run ten miles initially, they watch their speed increase and their time decrease – all with the same low heart rate and intensity level. In short, they’re able to increase their fitness without pushing their heart to high intensity levels.

You’ll notice in the beginning that your pace may be one to three minutes longer than your normal one-mile pace. Meaning that if you normally ran a ten-minute mile, your new mile pace within the LSD program may be thirteen minutes. That’s okay. Track your pace with each workout. Chances are, after a few weeks of this endurance program you’ll see your pace increase. There may even be a marathon in your future!

Endurance Training Exercises for Beginners

There are two different types of endurance. You can have cardiovascular endurance, meaning your heart and lungs can help you sustain a good effort over a long period of time. You can also have muscular endurance, meaning your muscles can help you sustain a good effort over a long period of time.

Ideally, it’s great to have both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. The following endurance exercises can help beginners start improving their fitness endurance on all levels.

The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance With Endurance Training Exercises

* Squats – The squat is one of the fundamental functional fitness exercises. Think about it; whenever you sit down you’re performing a squat. To do a squat, position your feet about shoulder width apart. Now bend your knees using your gluteus and thigh muscles. Keep your weight in your heels and lower your hips below parallel – below your knees. Stand up. Repeat.

* Plank – The plank is a supreme core strength and endurance exercise. To perform the plank you’ll utilize your entire group of back and abdominal muscles. Get into a push-up position with your arms fully extended. Hold the position as long as you can. You can make the plank move more difficult by resting your forearms on the floor with your elbows positioned under your shoulders. Keep your body straight and tight. Don’t allow your knees to bend or your rear end to raise or lower.

* Cardio intervals – A cardio interval workout is a workout that involves running, race walking, cycling, swimming or another form of cardio exercise. If you have an elliptical machine or a rowing machine, you can do an interval workout on it.

Warm up at a low intensity level for five minutes. Exercise at a moderate intensity level for five minutes. Now increase your effort and work out at an intense level for five minutes. Drop back down and reduce your intensity level to a moderate level for five minutes and alternate until you’ve been working out for thirty minutes, not including your five minute warm-up.

Combining these three exercises into a weekly workout will help you improve both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Once you’ve added these beginner exercises into your weekly workout program, you may want to consider adding more exercises or increasing your intensity. For example, you might track how many squats you can do in a minute, rest a minute, and repeat for a period of five rounds. Or you might increase the length of time you spend on cardiovascular exercise. Instead of a thirty minute workout you could increase it to forty or forty-five.

There are many benefits to improving your muscular and cardiovascular or aerobic endurance. You’ll lose weight. Your metabolism will improve. You’ll reduce your risk of illness, sleep better, and have less stress. Start improving your endurance today.

endurance training exercises – High-intensity interval training HIIT also called High-Intensity Intermittent Tabata method by Professor Izumi Tabata 田畑 泉 et al.…endurance training exercises

A Simple Way to Increase Your Fitness Endurance

You want to increase your endurance but you’re not sure how. It’s a common conundrum. Many people just don’t feel they have the time to add endurance exercises to their already busy schedule. After all, endurance fitness requires long workouts at a moderate intensity. And if you’re new to endurance exercise, creating a fitness plan can be overwhelming. Let’s take a look at simple ways you can increase your fitness endurance.

Endurance Training Exercises for Beginners

Endurance Training Exercises for Beginners

The Gradual Approach

If you haven’t worked out in a long time (or ever) and are starting a new fitness program, then this may be your ideal solution. This approach allows you to start out slowly and gradually build your endurance and fitness level.

Choose your exercise, for example jogging. Get on the treadmill or go outside and run at a moderate intensity level. If you have a heart rate monitor, determine your target heart rate and stay in that zone while you jog. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor then you should be able to carry on a conversation while you jog. If you’re too out of breath to talk then you’re working too hard.

The first day you may only be able to jog for ten minutes. That’s fine. You can walk the rest of the way home. Gradually increase your time jogging. By the end of the month you may be jogging the entire route slowly. You can then add more distance and time to your workout.


Intervals are periods of high intensity combined with periods of low or moderate intensity. For the sake of endurance training you might instead alternate moderate intensity with low intensity. For example, you might jog for ten minutes and walk for five. After an hour of this interval program you will have a good workout.

As your fitness level increases, you can both lengthen the amount of time you exercise at a moderate intensity as well as the length of time you work out. For example, you might jog for fifteen minutes and walk for five and lengthen your workout time to ninety minutes.

Heart Rate Monitor and Zone Training

If you purchase a heart rate monitor, you can use it to help you with both of these approaches. With a heart rate monitor you may find that your moderate intensity effort is much faster than you originally thought, and instead of walking you may jog during your ‘rest’ interval. Heart rate monitors are invaluable tools for any fitness endurance program.

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Tabata Training – An Answer to Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina

Interval training has been around for decades. Interval training, used to improve endurance, alternates high intensity effort with moderate to low intensity effort. The Tabata workout is a modern version of the basic interval training workout. It can help you increase your endurance and stamina – take your fitness to the next level.

Tabata To Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina

Tabata To Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina

What Is a Tabata?

Tabata is a workout based on research conducted by Izumi Tabata. A Tabata workout begins with a warm-up. You then repeat six to ten cycles of a workout.

The workout consists of a high intensity exercise and a medium or moderate intensity workout. For example a Tabata rowing workout might have you alternate rowing at 30 to 35 strokes per minute and then rest at around 20 strokes per minute. It’s generally at a two-to-one ratio, so if you were at a high intensity level for two minutes, you’d work out at a resting pace for one minute. You’d repeat this for six cycles – thus your total workout would be eighteen minutes.

The original Tabata method worked out for four minutes or eight cycles. Each cycle includes twenty seconds of high intensity effort followed by ten seconds of rest. You can try it right now with a squat. Squat as many times as you can for twenty seconds, rest for ten seconds. Repeat for four minutes. (A squat is a low body movement. Your feet are shoulder width apart. You sit back using your gluteus and thigh muscles. Keeping your weight in your heels, you lower your backside until it is parallel or below parallel to your knees. Stand up quickly using the same muscles and repeat.)

It may not look like an intense workout. However, after four minutes of this your lower body will no doubt be burning and you’ll be breathing heavily.

Tabata Applied to Any Exercise

You can use the Tabata approach with just about any exercise, from push-ups to cycling. The key is to learn what a high intensity effort and a moderate intensity effort feels like to you. Studies have shown that the Tabata approach improves both aerobic and anaerobic functions, meaning it improves your muscular and cardiovascular endurance and stamina. It’s a great way to get in shape quickly. And while the workouts are challenging, they’re faster than a long slow distance approach and can be quite fun.

Try a Tabata workout with your favorite exercise. If you don’t know what a high intensity level or a moderate intensity effort feels like, consider getting a heart rate monitor and learning your target heart rate zones. A moderate effort is generally around 60-80% of your maximum heart rate and your maximum is usually 80-90% of your maximum heart rate.

Cardiovascular Endurance Exercises – Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance?

Want to increase your physical endurance but not sure how? Endurance strengthens your cardiovascular system. It helps you gain energy, lose weight, and even improve mindset and mental function. If you want to improve your fitness endurance, heart rate training may be the answer.

What Is Heart Rate Training Or Cardiovascular Endurance Exercises?

Heart rate training is a system where you utilize your heart rate to determine your intensity or effort level. For example, your heart rate while you sit on the couch may be quite low. It’s called a resting heart rate. Yet if you got up off of the couch and sprinted for a mile, your heart may be hammering in your chest. Your effort is different and your heart is required to work harder.

Heart rate training helps you find the optimal heart rate for your workouts. You work your cardiovascular system without pushing your body into an anaerobic fitness level.

Do I Need a Heart Rate Monitor?

Heart rate training is easier with a heart rate monitor. A heart rate monitor is a two-part device. The first part straps around your chest. It measures the beats of your heart. The second piece is a wrist watch. It receives the signal from your chest strap and displays the information.

With the most basic heart rate monitor you can simply look at your wrist to see if you’re working in the right heart rate zone, and at the right intensity level. More sophisticated heart rate monitors actually sound an alarm if you dip above or below your desired heart rate zone – thus helping you to stay on target to improve your endurance.

You can use heart rate training without a monitor. You simply need to learn how to take your pulse while you’re exercising. Place your fingers on your carotid artery in your neck, count the beats per minute and that’s your heart rate. It’s easier to calculate your resting heart rate this way. When you’re jogging down the block or on your bike it’s a bit more difficult. This is why many people simply rely on heart rate monitors.

So What’s the Right Heart Rate Zone for Endurance Training?

The goal of endurance training is to increase your distance and time exercising. For example, you might work from a daily three-mile run to increase your distance to ten miles. However, instead of running at your high intense 5K pace, you’d reduce your intensity and run slower.

Your target heart rate depends on your age. The most basic calculation is to take 220 and subtract your age. For example, if you’re 40 years old then your target heart rate would be 180. A moderate intensity level would be approximately 70-85% of that, or 126 to 153. Stay within that range and you should be able run longer.

Cardiovascular Endurance Exercises - Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance?

Cardiovascular Endurance Exercises – Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance?

Can heart rate training help you increase your endurance? The answer is yes, it can. If you’re new to heart rate and endurance training, start slowly. A heart rate monitor can be an invaluable tool to helping you stay on track and improve your endurance.

Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance?

Periodization is an endurance approach used by athletes. Now you don’t need to be a professional athlete to utilize it. If you’re training for an event, then it may be the ideal approach. It has been used effectively for decades.

What Is Periodization?

Periodization is a training protocol that is designed specifically to train for an event. The training period, the time between now and when you compete, is divided into segments. Each segment serves a very specific training purpose. There are a few different periodization segments. Most models utilize five to six different phases including:

* Preparation – This phase utilizes low-intensity, moderately timed activities to gradually build your fitness back up from a resting level. Prior to this phase, after competition, you will have gone through a resting phase.

* Fitness building – During this phase you begin to improve your overall fitness and/or your sports-related fitness. For example, if in the preparation phase you were running one mile a day four times a week with some light strength training, during this phase you might increase your distance and your intensity level while continuing the light strength training.

This is a phase that gradually increases your fitness. You might start by running two miles a day and at the end of this phase, depending on what you’re training for and the amount of time you have, you may be running ten miles a day with a long twenty-mile marathon training run.

* Tapering – The periodization plan believes that it’s important to let your body rest a bit before competition. For example, if you did a twenty-mile run two days before a marathon, your marathon performance is likely to be weak. Tapering usually only lasts a week or two and it doesn’t mean you stop exercising. However, it does mean that you reduce your mileage by 80% and your frequency by 20%.

The rule of thumb is that if your competitive event lasts longer than an hour, a marathon for example, then you have two weeks of tapering. Less than an hour and you’ll have one week of tapering.

* Competition – This is the day you’ve been training for. Compete hard. Give it your full effort with the confidence that the periodization plan has helped increase both your stamina and endurance.

Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance?

Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance?

* Recovery – This final phase allows you to take a few days off to recuperate from your competition. Again, this doesn’t have to mean you’re sitting on the couch for a week. It depends on the event you competed in and your fitness level. If it was your first marathon, you may want to take a few days off. You can replace your usual workout with something more relaxing that still gets the blood flowing through your muscles and tissues. Walking, swimming, and yoga are often recommended.

If you’re a competitive athlete or have a race you’d like to train for, consider using the periodization plan to increase your fitness and endurance. It’s been working for people for decades and continues to be a tried and true approach.

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