Hi, although the title of this comprehensive report – How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex is similar to one of my most popular posts or pages at www.stumptownconfidential.com – How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League, it is at least ten or twenty times more powerful (in a way, it is closer than the 10,500+ words special report about Cougar Dating – How To Attract Women Out Of Your League Extra because of the kind of “goddesses” or “queens” referred to in that special report).
So please don’t treat this extra ordinary special report lightly and just let it blow your mind open for endless possibilities on the true art of seduction! This is a secret, hidden world that you can only wish you knew about a lot earlier in your life … like high school or college? But as the saying goes, it’s better late than never, so here it goes …
What you’re about to learn here is something very few people know about. You will be taken behind the curtains, into a world that is hidden from the general public, even from some of the most powerful men around. As such, this world is misunderstood, outcast, and condemned.
For starters, this is not about sex. High-priced gigolos are not prostitutes. And, the women who hire these gigolos are not sex-starved, slutty nympho maniacs. It’s actually quite the opposite, as you’ll soon find out.
What you will learn here will change your perception of all women, and of our entire society, in a very deep and most Radical Way one can imagine. That understanding alone will turn you into a different kind of man … a man who will tower above most other ‘mortal’ men… a man that will immediately appear more attractive to other women.
This is not a joke or hyperbole. It is the truth. I hope you’re ready for this adventure … And Witness the Mythical Seduction Power Of the True Pro – Giacomo Casanova. Nah, just kidding!
A Word On Art of Seduction And How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League …
You will have an immediate realization as you start reading this manual … a realization that this is unlike any other seduction-related products you’ve ever read, heard or watched before.
In fact, it is very different from all of my other seduction products that are out there in the past as well … including the special reports on seducing bi-sexual women, seducing exotic dancers / strippers, and all others. If you would like to have free access to these reports (you can pay anywhere from 10 to 30 dollars for each report in other places), just drop the webmaster of www.stumptownconfidential.com a note to say you want in. If enough of you express interest, we will find a way to get these reports to you free of charges.
The reason this one is so different is because we’re dealing with a very different kind of woman. This is a woman who usually will not respond to the things that most other women find attractive. Money, power, social status, a successful business, travel conquests … heck, even stunning good looks will not do much to attract this woman … unless she is specifically out to find a “pretty face.”
And, while the above may concern you a bit, it is actually the best news you could get. Because, it means that you do not need any of the above “things” to make this work for you … not even good looks! … once you learn the secrets I will share in this report. What you will learn about this particular kind of woman – and more importantly, about how to “get” and “seduce” this woman – will give you an understanding about all women that could turn you into a rare breed – Giacomo Casanova. Even if you never decide to pursue the gigolo business.
That is why I highly recommend that every guy should read this special report of How To Seduce Women Like A Pro – It Is Not About Sex, at least once. The insight and understanding you will get could really change your life in ways that you can’t yet imagine.
It’s Not About Sex (Please Repeat After Me Again – It Is Never About Sex!)
Let’s get this one out-of-the-way right now …
A high-priced gigolo with the skills of Giacomo Casanova gets paid … well … high prices!
Yes, even more than what a high-priced male prostitute would ever get … simply because this business is not about sex! Sure, sex could be a small part of the service…if both parties want to enjoy each other in that way. But, a high-priced gigolo gets paid the big bucks for entirely different reasons.
The craziest part is, even many of the low to mid-end gigolos haven’t fully grasped this concept!
(That is great news for you because it means, most of them won’t be able to compete in the same playing field as you – if you decide to pursue the high-priced gigolo business.) What you will learn here can put you giant steps ahead of most gigolos that are already in the business! Talk about an unfair advantage! And, it’s because most of them think ‘sex’ is what’s for sale.)
Think about it … how easy is it for the average woman to get sex? All she has to do is show some skin, wear a tight, revealing outfit, and hit the local bar or club. Within minutes, she’ll have a line of guys buying her drinks, asking for her number, or even signing away the deed to their house. (Okay, the last bit is a slight exaggeration… but most guys can be desperate that way.)
Even if the woman happens to be the most unattractive person in the bar, according to most guys, she will still find at least one guy (drunk or not) interested in sleeping with her – if all she does it make it blatantly clear to the guy that she wants it, and wants it now.
So, believe me when I tell you, the business of a high-priced gigolo is not about sex. The kind of woman who can afford this service is rarely looking for sex. And, even if she is, sex will usually be at the very bottom of the list of things she’ll be paying the high-priced gigolo for.
How To Seduce Women – The seduction community is a subculture of men primarily communicating on the game seduction skills by improving their understanding.…How To Seduce Women
To be honest, the service that this type of gigolo (with the skills of Giacomo Casanova) offers is a rare commodity. It is something that is not readily available out there. And, that is why this business is booming! That is why this rare group of men get paid the big bucks.
There are way more available women out there, willing to pay for this service, than there are guys who can provide it. And, that is why you should definitely consider learning the secret seduction skills perfected by the true pros of this business.
Here is fun break for you while reading this awesome report of How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex
Why A Gigolo …
So, what the heck is it that these women are happily willing to pay gigolos for, if it isn’t sex? That’s the big secret, isn’t it?
It’s a secret that if all men knew about, there wouldn’t be any unhappy women out there. There wouldn’t be any divorces, affairs, nasty breakups, and women would stop wondering why they’re stuck with a loser of a guy. The single women would stop complaining that “there aren’t any good guys left out there!”
The secret is in how a high-priced gigolo can make a woman feel! A high-priced gigolo can do what no other man can. He can make women feel amazing…the way no amount of money, gifts, compliments, vacations, or even great sex can.
And women who can afford this gigolo are willing to pay insane amounts of money for his services. Why? Because they can’t get it anywhere else. Most men can’t give it to them, all the material possessions in the world can’t do it, and no amount of money or power can do it either. (Now you understand why even the most powerful and wealthiest men can’t give these women what they crave so much.
And if you decide to master this kind of gigolo skills (I am referring to the seduction skills though, not your ‘future’ or ‘potential’ profession! Just to make it perfectly clear!), you can wield this power over women. The kind of power that most men will never know. The kind that master gigolos demand high prices for because you get it! (And also because there are a lot of wealthy women out there, dying to hire you (if they could) for your services.)
Plus, you don’t need to be rich, or have any money, nor have to pay for anything. You don’t have to buy them expensive dinners or take them on expensive vacations. They will pay for everything, in addition to high fees. They’ll pay for the rooms, the dinners, the shows, the trips, and everything else that they want.
All you have to do is give them what they so desperately need, what they can’t buy from any store, and what no other man can give them. (I’ll show you exactly what that is, and just how to give it to them the right way.)
You don’t even need to be good-looking, as touched on earlier, nor do you need to have an athlete’s body. (Remember, it’s not about “looks.” These women can get all the “boy toys” they want. But they want more than just physical or visual satisfaction.)
And of course, the money is all yours because this is a one-man show. (Unlike what most people experience out there, you don’t have a boss or employer that will take away 90 percent of what your hard work brings in, and leave you with a few scraps.)
You can demand a high price and you get to keep it all! And, there’s no start-up cost either! (You just have to invest in yourself – which is something all men should be doing anyway. And, of course, you’ll invest your time into learning what I share with you in this report.)
The best part is, you don’t even have to sell them hard. I actually advise you to not be pushy, and I’ll tell you why it works in your favor.
Remember, you’re not looking to seduce just any woman out there, you’re targeting a special group of women. Women who have money to blow, and want to pay for the luxury of your company. And you won’t believe just how many of them are out there …
How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 Gallery
- How To Attract Women Out Of Your League – Why A Gigolo
- Is This Hard Work? Yes, Of Course. But You Are Doing It Now Anyway, If You Are Not ‘Too Successful’ In Other Income Generating Business Yet.
- Massage Of Casanova (Lover’s Massage)?
- Mastering How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League – It Is Not About Sex (It’ About ‘Class’!)
- How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex
- Why Women Hire Gigolos And How To Seduce Women Obviously Out Of Your League Like These
- Visualize Your Way to the Casanova Gigolo Lifestyle
- The Business Side of Being a Master Gigolo
- You’re In Control – You Must If You Really Want To Master How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League!
- Relaxed Confidence Of A Casanova Gigolo
- Here is The Simple Truth and The Reality of ‘Things’ On These Goddesses…
- Let The Goddess Come to You
- Keep Your Personal Drama Out And Never Ever Forget That!
- How To Attract Women Out Of Your League – Women Who Pay For It
- How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 24
- How to Build a Casanova Gigolo (or Master Gigolo)
- How To Attract Women Out Of Your League 28
- The “Mindset” Of Master Gigolos
- How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League – Client Or “Other”?
- She’s Calling Your Number…Now What
- How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex
The Women Who Pay For It
Yes … believe it or not, it happens all the time. .. a lot more often than most guys will ever know, or accept even if they somehow found their way into this “hidden,” secretive world. Women, with means, pay for a good gigolo’s service almost every day, collectively.
You won’t know about this – nor believe it – unless you’re already in the business. (And believing this fact before you get into this business can be very powerful for you and your success.) So, who exactly are these women …?
Unlike what most people think or assume, these women are not the low-lifes of society or individuals with nothing going on in their lives. On the contrary … they are usually at the top of the food chain, and very often some of the richest, most successful and powerful women in our society.
They are usually more beautiful, educated and sophisticated than any of the women you may be used to dating. (This may come as a BIG surprise to most men who first discover the gigolo’s world.)
And these women can come from any one of these areas:
* They come from the most successful families, they went to the best schools and colleges, they got (and still get) the best of everything money can buy, they have always lived the life of luxury and decadence.
* They are either owners, CEOs, or board members of highly successful companies…or they are married to the men who own and control those companies.
* They are often either trophy wives or victims of marriages that were nothing but business deals, in reality. (Consequently, they may also be married to closet homosexual men who got married just to keep their sexual preferences a secret from others.)
* They can also be the daughters of the men and women who own and run successful companies. They are children who have always been expected to talk, walk, behave, date and even marry according to very specific rules. (Their lives are often very publicized due to being born in rich, successful and famous families. And as such, they rarely end up with the kinds of men – to date or marry – that would make them happy or fulfilled.)
* They are highly successful career women, or even professional models, who have sacrificed their entire lives (including their social/dating lives) by working hard and climbing to the very top of the success ladder.
No matter what their background, they all have certain things in common: they are rich, powerful, successful…and unfulfilled.
Many of these women are already (unhappily) married or about to be married, so they don’t want a “relationship.”
Others are so career-oriented that they don’t have the time, nor the desire, to carry on the “standard” relationship that most of society is so used to.
And, let’s not forget those who are simply disappointed, time after time again, by the relationships and the kind of men that are generally out there.
They are bored out of their minds because they’ve bought, done and achieved everything they can think of. The others are super-busy with successful careers – and still bored out of their minds. (Busy lives don’t always equate to exciting, fulfilling lives.)
Their age usually ranges from the mid 20’s to late 40’s and they look perfect in every way. (Some of them can also be over 50. More on that later.)
They spend an incredible amount of time and money on making themselves look the absolute best. They have perfect skin, hair, nails, and of course, perfect bodies. (They are often pampered and cared for to look perfect, from the day they were born. And they continue to do so for the rest of their lives.) And, that is one of the most important things you need to understand about these women is …
They are used to paying for everything. They have all the money and power to do and buy anything they want. Yes, including the services of a high-priced gigolo with the seduction skill of Giacomo Casanova (It that going to be you? I certainly hope so). And, even if they aren’t personally used to paying for a gigolo, you can bet that they know at least one friend or acquaintance who does hire a gigolo.
The point is this … For these women, and the social circles they belong to, paying for a high-priced gigolo is not strange at all. In fact, it’s commonplace ….it’s a very “normal” thing to do.
Why Women Hire Gigolos And How To Seduce Women Obviously Out Of Your League Like These?
So, if these women really do have (almost) everything they could ever desire … and all the money and power to buy anything they could ever think of, why would they need a high-priced gigolo? Why wouldn’t they use all that money and power to find the perfect guy to have that perfect relationship with?
Simple. Because, there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. (Just look around you and see how many perfect relationships you can find. They just don’t exist.)
Every relationship will have its ups and downs (even if they are little ones.) And almost every guy will eventually become jealous, possessive, paranoid, or he’ll want to control the woman in some way. (That’s the problem with most guys – they’re insecure.)
And if nothing else, the very fact that no two people are exactly alike will always guarantee that the relationship is never perfect.
The man and woman will eventually disagree on something, whether it’s clothing, purchases made, decisions and choices involving the “couple,” color choices, food choices, fragrance choices, whatever! Like I said, no two people are exactly alike.
But, “that’s ridiculous,” you may be saying. Who would ever want “everything” to be perfect, all the time? I’ll tell you who … a woman who is used to getting whatever she wants, probably from the day she was born. A woman who always pays for, and gets, the absolute best … of everything. And, nothing less.
But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg really (as you will soon find out.) However, for now, we’ll just go with that much …
Bingo! Let’s look at the men in her social circle, now …
For the most part, these men are rich, powerful, and they’re used to getting their way. And … most of them are used to having beautiful women fall all over them, without them ever having to do or say anything to charm these women.
As I said earlier, a lot of women are drawn to a man with money, power, and social status. Even if he is the ugliest thing to ever walk the earth. The point is, these man are used to getting women, whenever they want, without making effort. In other words, they are not used to, nor do they want to, woo or romance a woman.
They don’t see the point of romancing a woman and making her feel special. Why would they, if they’ve got women falling on their laps everywhere they go? Are you starting to get the dysfunctional, distorted picture of the lives of these men and women – who apparently have “everything?”
So you see, even if these women did pick a man to marry or have a relationship with, that man would almost always have to be from her own social circle. (Appearance and the “public eye” is very important concerns in these circles.)
And, by picking such a man (a P-I-G – Pig to her), these women will be guaranteed to have unhappy, unfulfilling relationships, void of any romance or even love. Then, you’ve got the women who are either tired of the hassles of relationships, or they just don’t have the time nor interest in being in a relationship.
They are tired of the jealousy, the arguments, the cheating, the breakups, the heart breaks, having to answer to someone else, and everything else that comes along with relationships.
But there’s a huge problem here … Because these incredible women (“goddess” or “queen” type) still crave the love, the romance, the sensual touch, the compliments, and all the wonderful things, i.e. all the “good parts” of a great relationship.
Ah …if only there was a way for them to get only the “good stuff” and get rid of all the bad, sad, and painful stuff … If only, indeed …
Enter the high-priced gigolo with the seduction skill of Giacomo Casanova!
… a guy who comes in only when she wants him to…showers her with love, romance, attention, compliments, fun, laughter … makes her feel like she’s the only one in the world that matters … who never judges her or tells her how to live her life … who never gives her any “drama,” jealousy, breakups, etc. that comes with a ‘normal’ relationship .. and, most importantly … who leaves when she has had her fix for the day (or week) and is ready to take care of the other things in her life.
Now you tell me, honestly… who wouldn’t want a relationship like that?
Men would kill for a relationship with a woman like that. A woman who’s there only when he wants her to be … makes him feel like a king, in every way while she is there … never complains, bickers, nags, argues, lectures, etc. … and then leaves when the man is ready to take care of other things in his life.
Men would kill for that! Well, Many Men Kill For A Lot Less Than That Throughout The Bloody Human History. So, Please Think Long And Hard And Tell Me Honestly, You Would Not At Least Be Tempted.
Then, why would you expect anything less from a woman? Why shouldn’t she want – and get – the same kind of “perfect” relationship? That’s what a high-priced gigolo can give her: all the good parts of a relationship, and none of the bad stuff.
It’s like visiting an expensive, luxurious spa, being treated like royalty in every way, and then leaving the moment you’ve had your fill. And guess what … the spa is there for you, whenever you get the urge to visit again.
It’s the ultimate. It’s the perfect relationship. And any woman (or any man) who can afford it – especially someone who is used to paying for the absolute best of everything – will (and does) happily pay top dollar for that kind of experience.
How to Build a Casanova Gigolo (or Master Gigolo)
By now, I’m sure you understand why high-priced master gigolos are in such huge demand. And, why there are so many women out there willing (and able) to pay top dollar for a gigolo’s services.
Now, let’s talk about how you can start to turn yourself into this kind of a man: a rare breed of man that only the wealthy women can afford (if you want to, I suppose).
Generally speaking, you want to be able to entertain her, make her laugh a lot, make her feel beautiful and special, get her to let loose and just be herself without any fear of being judged or told what to do. And most importantly, she never gets pressured into doing anything that she doesn’t want to, including sex.
It may surprise you to learn that the above is something most women rarely, if ever, get to experience. Most guys can never let a woman have that kind of fun and freedom. Because most guys are always angling for something – they always have a hidden agenda.
A gigolo has no other agenda. His only job is to make sure the woman has a great time, in every way she wants (customer always right!).
In order to do all of the above – and more, here are the things you need to focus on improving or changing about yourself…
The “Mindset” Of Master Gigolos
If you don’t already know, it always starts with the mind. Always.
Any kind of self improvement and personal transformation works from the inside out (check out this massive 15,000+ words special report on 15 Free Life Coaching Lessons For Success at www.facelubeblog.com). Otherwise, it’s like trying to build a castle over a foundation built to handle a tiny hut It will eventually crumble over the weight.
For starters, you have to really, truly believe, on a deep level, that there are wealthy women out there who are unhappy and unfulfilled, i.e. the demand for gigolos is real.
I realize that this may be hard for someone to believe, especially if he hasn’t seen nor heard of such a world. After all, its a hidden, secretive world. But you must believe. Do whatever it takes to convince yourself that this is real – because it is.
Next, you have to believe that you are worth the high price! (Which can be as low as $1000 and as high as $5000…or more…per visit.)
That belief can be sustained by the fact (or at least the observation) that there really are people out there who are filthy rich. They are wealthy beyond belief. And they can’t spend their money fast enough. (All you have to do is check out some of the celebrity news – look at how much they spend on luxury, or even on everyday items. Wealthy people really do exist.)
But that’s not enough… it’s also about what you believe about yourself. Not just what they can afford to pay you. I will focus on telling you what things you specifically need to work on improving (or changing) about yourself.
However, just like with anything else in life, in the beginning it may seem just like going in for your very first interview, for your very first job ever.
You may simply have to “fake it till you make it.” If you believe it, they will have no choice but to believe it too. (If you don’t believe it, you will never be able to convince them of believing in you. It’s just that simple.)
A Rare Commodity of the Ones That Truly Master The Skills of How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League
The next thing to understand, and really “get” is that the demand for a high-priced master gigolo is much more than the supply. (That is exactly why you can charge high prices.)
But, more importantly, you have to understand that whenever there is a huge demand for something, you don’t have to push the sale. The market is already hungry for what you’re selling. So, they will buy from you anyway.
By trying to push the sale on them, you will come across as desperate and even unsure of your product (which is “you”). And that will instantly kill your sale because nobody wants to pay for an inferior product.
Moreover, people – not necessary just women (even you, right?) – generally want what they can’t have, or what they can’t get too easily. The harder it is for them to get something, the more value they will automatically put on that thing. (In this case, you are that “thing.”)
Also, if their friends and peers are getting it and enjoying it, then they must have it too. After all, they feel that they deserve the best, and they deserve it all.
So, always remember that. Do not ever push the sale. Just make your case, dangle the bait, and then let them come to you. (I will show you how.)
Relaxed Confidence Of A Casanova Gigolo
Here’s one of the biggest secrets to doing well in this business, and doing well with women in general. You have to adopt a “relaxed confidence” about you.
Try your best to really get this concept. When you do, you will become magnetic, and women will notice you, they will be drawn to you.
It does not come from having or knowing more. No, confidence comes from within. It comes from knowing that you don’t have to know or have more. That you are fine just the way you are right now.
Most men, and even women, don’t have this relaxed confidence. They are always trying to impress somebody or prove something to others. And, that’s what screws them up.
You have to learn to love yourself just the way you are. Sure, you can continue to learn and grow and improve yourself. But, not because you hate or dislike who you are right now. This is very important for you to “get” internally.
They may not believe you at first, when you tell them who you are… a gigolo. And they may try to rattle your cage a little bit. Be ready for this. And, do not let them get to you. If they do, do not let it show!
Smile or laugh confidently (not nervous laughter) and show them that you are amused by them, not rattled or threatened in any way whatsoever. Act like you’re enjoying yourself. And make a point to really do that. Have fun. Enjoy the entire experience and the ride as you’re taking it.
How can you appear confident from the very first moment they see you?
Easy. Just look relaxed. And be relaxed. Relax your body, relax your face, relax every muscle in your body. Relaxing does not mean collapsing or going limp. You must appear relaxed yet strong. That means, you won’t be slouching.
You’ll sit up. But you won’t be nervous or fidgety. You’ll make deliberate moves when moving your body – even for something as simple as picking up your glass from the table and taking a sip.
Just imagine how James Bond comes across to women. If needed, rent some of his movies and watch carefully how he acts and appears around women, especially when he’s in the bar or casino environment.
He’s got a relaxed confidence about him. Here’s the biggest trick you can steal from him…
He already knows he can get any woman he wants. So, he doesn’t have to “try” to impress them or plead with them to come to him. The women notice this calm, manly, relaxed confidence about him. And they are drawn to it.
You can use that! Just pretend that you can also get any woman you want. And, so you don’t have to try to please them or make them notice you.
They already will notice you if you do the above. Out of all the other insecure boys, or macho-acting dudes around you, you will stand out. Because you’re not trying to be something you’re not. You just are.
You’re In Control – You Must If You Really Want To Master How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League!
After you’ve got your mindset adjusted, you’ve adopted the state of relaxed confidence, it’s time for an attitude adjustment.
It’s time to realize and completely understand that you are in control. You are always in control. What does that mean? Let me explain by giving a common example…
When someone close to you (a friend, relative, lover, co-worker) asks you, “Hey, what should we have for lunch?” (or dinner or whatever,) have you ever replied with an, “I don’t care”…or an “I’m easy”…or a “Whatever you want”…?
Sure, we all do that at one time or another, right? Because, sometimes, we really don’t care either way. We’re just there, enjoying the moment and we’re easy – we’ll eat anything.
Well, guess what… you can never do that when you’re with a client or even a potential client. Because you are always in control.
You will (read: should) always have a preference or at least a suggestion. You will never say things like, “I don’t care” or “whatever you want is fine.” The truth is – Women hire you – and pay you big bucks – to take charge, to be in control, to do everything for her.
That’s your job. Her job is to relax, let go, and enjoy the ride…while you take care of everything. More on this later…
Visualize Your Way to the Casanova Gigolo Lifestyle
If you don’t already know, i.e. if you haven’t read any other seduction reports, I am a huge advocate of the power of visualization. Lots of scientific studies have also been done to prove its effectiveness. So, if you don’t believe me, you can do your own research. And then, come back here and do this visualization.
It’s really simple…
Before you fall asleep at night, close your eyes, get comfortable and relaxed… and visualize yourself living the lifestyle of a high-priced master gigolo. See all the beautiful, wealthy women being drawn to you, talking to you, writing you large checks to hire your services.
See yourself making them feel wonderful, special, wanted…see the both of you having fun, her laughing hysterically at your jokes… fill in as much detail as you possibly can into your visualizations.
And actually feel the emotions that go along with this imagery – that is very important. Feel each other’s touch, take in her scent, get all your senses involved and make it as real as possible.
But… do not force it. The point is to enjoy this process…enjoy imagining this lifestyle and the events that go along with it. Impress your subconscious mind with the idea that you enjoy this lifestyle right now. Not in the future, but right now.
Remember, the process has to be fun and enjoyable. It shouldn’t feel like a task or chore, else you’re doing it wrong. Do this every night, and fall asleep while enjoying this vivid vision of your new life and career.
Your brain and mind will do the rest to help you make this vision a reality. (You’re giving it the blueprint to follow, which is your visualization, involving all your senses – and emotions.)
Now, let’s go over some of the seduction skills you will need to develop to master this job.
If you don’t already know, a woman can tell a lot about a man by the way he moves on the dance floor. The popular assumption is, if a guy is a good dancer, he will be good in bed, i.e. he will have the “moves.”
Practically speaking, most women love to dance. (They also love to watch others dance.) There’s something very sensual about dancing that is lost on most men.)
Women hate the fact that many men (including men they’ve been with in the past or the one they are currently with) can’t dance or don’t want to dance.
Your job is to separate yourself from those men. Also… being a Casanova gigolo will sometimes require you to join your client to a party, function, or even a fun night out. And any or all of these activities may include dancing.
If you want to be in this business long-term, you must learn to excel in dancing. Take some serious lessons or have someone you know teach you. Learning to dance well will also improve your overall self confidence and the way you move in general, which is always good.
Massage Of Casanova (Lover’s Massage)?
This is yet another skill that men often under-estimate the power and importance of.
A good massage can help you and your client do many things, which include helping her to relax, building comfort between you and her, and of course, it can be a nice prelude to more physical intimacy and enjoyment between two consenting adults.
And if you don’t already know this, most women absolutely love a good massage.
The keyword above is “good.” It has to be a good massage. And the only way to become good at it is to take some lessons and practice. Most men assume that they are good at giving massages even if they have never learned how. Most of these men are dead wrong. The women they’ve serviced just haven’t had the heart to break the news to them.
The process involves using specific techniques and a knowledge of the human anatomy. These are not things we are born with – you have to learn them.
Pain and injury should not be a part of the process, which is why knowing which technique to use on which part of the body is very important.
You must learn to give good massages, period.
Sense of Humor
Laughter can be one of your best allies in this business – if not the best.
From the very first time you meet a potential client, you want to create (and strengthen) the mental frame that being with you will be a lot of fun for her.
This is vitally important. It’s a very big part of the reason why women pay for gigolos. Because, a good gigolo will show her a good time. He will keep her laughing and having fun throughout their time together.
But there’s more to laughter than that… Laughter will also help her to relax and be comfortable – it will help her to open up to you. It will kill nervousness and anxiety dead. (And many women who will want to hire you will be nervous and anxious in the beginning. It will be your job to help them relax. Laughter is one of the best way to do it.)
If you don’t have a good sense of humor, if you aren’t naturally a funny guy, my advise is to start watching shows like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and maybe even The Colbert Report.
Both of these shows are aired on Comedy Central.
The great thing about the Daily Show is, it will quickly get you up to speed on the most interesting current events, world news and sometimes even celebrity news. And, all of it will be presented with a comedic slant.
So, you can simply use the jokes and pokes that the show uses to talk about the things that are currently in the news, i.e. things that will probably come up in conversation anyway.
You can get a lot of mileage out of the above strategy. However, I would also advise you to start watching more comedy shows and movies. And pay attention to what’s funny – and why.
A great sense of humor can no doubt make you a very popular guy – especially among women.
Conversation Skill
Becoming a better conversationalist…being able to hold and entertain a conversation with others is a great skill, not just for a gigolo but for anyone who happens to interact with others.
One of the best ways to get a conversation going, and to have lots of topics to talk about, is to simply ask the other person about herself. In other words, some of the best conversationalists are great listeners. They listen more than they talk. And by doing so, they can never run out of things to talk about.
Become genuinely interested in who she is. This is a powerful secret most men don’t know.
Guys make the mistake of asking her questions just so they can appear to be interested in her. All they’re really trying to do is get into her pants. And, women are not dumb (in fact, they are smarter than most men) – they can spot this charade a mile away.
But…when you genuinely become interested in finding out who the person in front of you is, something pretty amazing happens. You start to make her feel special, interesting, even unique. And all of those things are very good.
The more she tells you about herself, the more new things you will have to talk about and follow-up on.
However, don’t just keep asking her questions. You don’t want to come across like a private investigator who is collecting information.
So, share a little bit about yourself too, on occasion. Make it a game of give and take.
Let her talk as much as she wants, but be ready to fill in the spaces so there are no long, awkward gaps. Ask follow-up questions, add a little bit of your own stories about similar events, etc.
Become interested in her.
And…when you’re talking to her, or are hanging out with her, make her your world. Make her your main focus. Do not let other women distract you.
Remember, she is the one paying you for your time. Not other women. Be polite to others and let them know quickly that you’re with her.
As you may have noticed, the overall theme above is to get you to become a more interesting person. It’s no secret that women love to talk.
And they love it even more when the person they’re talking to can keep things going, has interesting and humorous things to add into the mix.
Most guys can’t hold a conversation about anything except sports, cars, or sex (and not the kind of sex talk women enjoy either.)
But a master gigolo can. A Casanova gigolo is interesting – all around in just about every way women may find interesting.
Start Talking
The fastest way to improve your conversation skills – and to get over the nervousness or fear of talking to women – is to just start talking. Talk to anyone and everyone…wherever you go.
You can just start by saying, “Hi” or “Hello” or “Good morning.” And smile when you say it.
Don’t worry about whether they say anything back or not. The interesting thing is, the more comfortable you get with talking others, the more people will want to respond to – and talk to – you.
The reason is simple: when you are comfortable and relaxed, people can sense it… they can see it, in your face, in your smile, in your posture, in the way you move…in everything you do.
That’s why the more you start talking to others and becoming comfortable doing so, the more others will want to engage with you.
Next, try to see if you can extend the conversation to more than just a greeting. See how long you can keep the conversation going.
And, pay attention to the other person. Notice whether they are becoming more interested or less.
There is no other way to become better at this than to just practice talking to others. No one can teach you how to do this, just as no one can teach you how to drive a car. They can only show you or guide you, but they can’t drive it for you.
You have to get in the driver’s seat and actually start driving. It will feel awkward at first, but you’ll soon be doing it on auto pilot.
Learn to become a natural at it. It can be done. And you’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll get to that level.
Zip It
All this talk about talking and becoming better at talking and practicing talking… Yes, it’s all good. And it’s a useful skill to acquire.
But…there is one area where you will have to do the exact opposite. And that is the area of “privacy.” Remember how I told you that this is a ‘hidden’ and secret world?
There is a very good reason for that. Both the gigolo and the women that hire him mostly operate in the shadows. It’s a private world! (This is why so few people know about what really goes on in this world.)
These women don’t want others to know what they’re doing, especially not the people in their social circles (unless these are other women who also employ gigolos.)
Similarly, a gigolo shouldn’t publicize what he does to the rest of the world either. Because if everyone knows you are a gigolo, then your clients will not want to be seen with you. Get it?
So, first and foremost, you want to keep what you do a secret from those who aren’t clients or potential clients. Secondly, you want to keep her life, and everything you’ve learned about her, very private.
Do not, I repeat, do not tell anyone else anything you’ve learned about your client. Not even to her best friend because that is the kiss of death.
The moment you do it, the moment you break your client’s confidence, you are history. (Because it will get back to her eventually. And once she fires you, she will also let everyone in her circle know that you can’t be trusted. Instantly, your business goes kaput. Over.) And, please also remember, you just pissed off some very “powerful” folks all because you cannot zip it!
So, when it comes to the details of your clients, zip it! Don’t talk to anyone about their personal lives – EVER.
Everything she tells you, and everything you learn about her and her life (including the tiniest of details,) is only between you and her. No one else should know about it. Especially not your other clients.
Keeping your clients lives private from others is a part of your job description.
Update Your Wardrobe (Not The Your God Given Face) Is Next In Line For Mastering How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League – It Is Not About Sex (It’s About ‘Class’!)
As I mentioned earlier, personal transformation can only happen from the inside out. Your mindset has to change first… then, your knowledge, skills and abilities…and finally your outer appearance. (Most people do it all in reverse and wonder why it’s not working.)
Fortunately, the outer appearance is the easiest to fix – at least in this case. You don’t have to start working out like a maniac or getting plastic surgery done. You just have to dress for the job you’re doing.
In other words, you want to look the part that you’re playing, which is one of a high-priced Casanova gigolo.
That means, you have to dress like one…and your haircut, shoes, and the rest of your attire has to fit the image you’re trying to portray. Don’t go out and spend a ton of money on new clothes, especially if you’re on a tight budget.
Before you go out shopping, start learning about what “class” is all about. Flip through the latest copy of People magazine and see how the upper-scale movie stars do it, watch how the high profile individuals are doing it (just turn on the TV and you’ll find lots of examples.)
Become familiar with what “classy” style is all about. It doesn’t always equate to a suit and tie. Nor is it about over-accessorizing or throwing on too many colors.
You are looking for class, but also edgy. Something as simple as a nice white shirt and a dark blazer/jacket can do the trick – if worn the right way. Once you have an idea of what it is you’re going for, then and only then should you go out shopping.
For starters, all you may need is one set of clothing. Like I said, don’t go crazy here. You can always shop for more stuff once you start getting paid.
For now, get one or two sets and get used to walking around in them. Your clothes have to be comfortable as well…or rather, you have to be comfortable in your clothes. Remember, you want to exude a relaxed confidence.
Preparation and Planning
Before you leave your home, you have to get a few other things ready, as part of your planning and preparation stage. There are certain things you want to think about ahead of time so that you don’t have to make stuff up on the spot.
If you make stuff up as you go along, you’ll look like you’re making stuff up as you go along. Basically, you’ll appear to be lying. Nothing will seem authentic about you.
So, now is the time to take care of the last few bits and pieces before you head out scouting for clients.
What name are you going to use when you introduce yourself?
It is advisable to use your own name, but if you’d rather not, pick a name that you can make your own. That means, if you get called by that name, you are going to know immediately that the other person is talking to you.
What price are you going to charge for your services?
As mentioned earlier, you can charge as low as $1,000 to as high as $5000. This will obviously vary according to how good you are and how comfortable/confident you are at charging your rate.
I would strongly advise you to start practicing saying out loud how much you charge. You can do this in front of the mirror, and watch your face when you do it. See if you believe what you are saying.
If you’re not confident, if you hesitate or clear your throat before you tell them your fee, you will again come across as “iffy.” And this will make them wonder about you and your credibility.
You want to appear as though you charge this price all the time, that you’re used to charging this price, and you’re used to getting this price.
These may seem like little things but they will make or break your business. So, please prepare for them ahead of time.
Client Or . . . “Other”?
Next, you must be very clear on whether you’re interested in getting a client or…something else.
Let me explain…
It is very possible that you may meet a woman that you really like. And you may decide that you don’t want her as a client but rather as a friend, a date, a sex-buddy, or even as a relationship.
That’s fine…it’s your life after all. And you get to call the shots. But… you must decide what it is you want that particular woman to be before you tell her that you’re a gigolo.
And, you must stick to whatever it is you decide. You cannot change your mind 10 minutes later and decide that you don’t want her as a client but rather a girlfriend, or visa versa.
If you switch halfway through the interaction, there’s a very good chance that you won’t get anything from her. You’ll simply get kicked out of the game.
So, remember… you are free to choose any particular woman for whatever role you’d like her to play in your life, but you have to stick to that choice all the way…till the deal is done.
After you have studied everything above and prepared accordingly, you are ready to go where these women are. You are ready to… Enter Her World
September 16, 2012 12:39 a.m. (CDT-5) – How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex! Will Continue Shortly Within This Post, so please check back regularly for updates (There are much much more than I just posted!).
September 22, 2012 8:11 p.m. (CDT-5) – Here is the conclusion of How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex! (It’s All About… ‘Class’!)
Enter The World Of the Goddesses And The Home Stretch of How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex
Obviously, if you want to find the type of women that will want to hire you, you have to go where they go… you have to frequent the places that they do.
Unlike the average seduction avenues, where you go to seduce the everyday woman, such as your local bars, clubs, grocery stores, bookstores, coffee shops, etc., the locations for potential clients can often be exclusive, or at least more upper scale.
This is not to say that your average clients don’t go to bookstores or coffee shops. They do. But, you don’t want to waste your time trying to ‘guess’ which woman, if any, is a potential client among the rest of the women, on any given day.
So, you go where the odds are in your favor. You go where most of them hang out.
This also implies that your neighborhood and your town/city may not be the best place to look for these women, unless you happen to live in a rich neighborhood.
One of the best locations to go to is high-priced hotels – the bars and sometimes restaurants in these hotels can be great places to meet potential clients. Upscale restaurants with bars, high-end night clubs, health clubs (gyms) in rich neighborhoods are also great.
Using that same logic, you could probably go to the bookstores, coffee shops, and maybe even grocery stores in their (rich) neighborhoods. But, use these as your secondary locations.
Obviously, your goal is to target women who are rich – women to whom money is no object. They can easily afford your high prices and won’t think twice about paying you what you’re asking. If you ever find yourself having to negotiate the price, or explaining to a woman why she should find the means to pay for your service, you’re talking to the wrong woman and you should stop immediately. She is not your potential client if she can’t easily afford your fees.
In other words, situation is the the same as the words you hear about so often – “If you have to ask (for the prcing), you probably cannot affod it”!
Let The Goddess Come to You
To build on the above advice…if you have to sell too hard, you’re targeting the wrong people. I realize that this can be a little tricky, especially if you’re out there looking for your very first client.
But…you must act as if you’ve done this many times before. Remember, these women are not looking for a ‘virgin’ – they’re not even looking for the ‘average guy.’ See, women are used to guys kissing up to them, trying too hard, and even appearing too clingy and desperate from the very start. (Frankly, they’re tired of this kind of guy.)
You are not one of those guys! So, you’ll have to act accordingly. Another reason you have to act your part is because you want her to come to you! Not the other way around.
Yes, you’re out looking for her – your first client – but you want her to see you as the prize, you want to position yourself in a way that makes her sees you as the indulgence… that, if she misses out on, another lucky woman will get to enjoy, instead. (Remember, these women are used to wanting, and getting, the best – especially if they see other women in their circle coveting that item.)
That also means, appear confident… not anxious or desperate. Relaxed…not tense, nervous or fidgety. Most importantly, never, ever lose your cool. Do not get upset or angry, nor appear frustrated or out of place. Don’t let anyone – especially your prospective clients – ruffle your feathers one bit.
Remember, at some point during your interaction with her, you’ll be telling her that you’re a high-priced gigolo. Firstly, don’t be afraid to tell them who you are and what you do. Secondly, don’t let them rattle you with their jokes, initial skepticism, or even “tests” that they’ll throw at you to see if you really are who you claim to be.
Stay in character, no matter what. Be the master gigolo you are – not the “average chump.” No matter what.
How to Get a Client …. For A ‘Rookie’ Casanova Gigolo
Yes, landing that first client is the hardest part of this business. I won’t lie to you. It may seem even harder because your mind – on some level – may not completely believe that any of this is even possible! It may be telling you that what you’re doing is a bit crazy.
That’s normal, and is expected whenever you try to get into something new and unfamiliar. So, just stick to the advice given in this report. If you follow the plan that I’m giving to you, it will work – and things will move quickly too, once you get that first client.
If you can’t seem to get that first one, go back and re-study / re-visit this manual. There may be just one tiny piece that you’re missing or not quite getting right.
And yes, it means you will have to fake it till you make it. (Just as is true with any other job, everyone wants someone with experience. Yet, you have none, so no one will hire you. But you can’t get any experience until someone does hire you! It’s the classic Catch-22 situation.)
The solution is to act as-if. You obviously don’t want to tell her that that she’s your first client, or that this is your first day of being a Casanova gigolo. Instead, let it be known that you’ve been doing this for several (or at least a few) years.
And…remember all the other pieces of advice touched on previously… Stay relaxed, smile, and be confident, be comfortable in your clothes and in the environment you’re in.
(If you’re not, just start hanging out at these kinds of places till you do. It will also help you greatly if you take the time to familiarize yourself with these locations. Learn what the place is about and where everything is situated. Befriend the employees, bartenders, etc. of the establishment to further help you become familiar and comfortable working there.)
Price should never be an issue for the potential client. If it is, move on…politely but quickly. (Of course, if it’s a slow night or you happen to enjoy that woman’s company and don’t mind continuing the exchange, that’s your choice.)
And…obviously, if you keep running into the types of women who can’t afford you – or if you’re in a location where you don’t see too much action, move on to the next spot. Don’t hope that things will get better or that a potential client will finally walk in.
Your First Encounter
Okay…so you’ve kept all the rules and advice (discussed earlier) in mind…you’ve dressed the part…you’re in the appropriate location…and you spot a potential client. Now what…
Well, some of the general rules and strategies for seduction ‘approach’ still apply. (And that’s why you can use some of what I share in this report to get rich dates too, if you want.)
In most cases, especially when you’re still new to this business of Casanova gigolo, you will have to approach her – at least to get things started. (Or you can let your presence be known to her in some other creative way.)
This is the time to use the training from earlier…greet her, and engage into playful conversation. Don’t enter her personal space right away. Simply go sit next to her, if she’s sitting at the bar, for example.
Throughout this entire phase, you will give off the vibe that you are the prize – without appearing like a jerk, too arrogant, or actually coming out and saying those words. (Remember, it’s all about “fun” – that’s what she’s looking for.)
Share jokes, flirt with her a little (not too much,) but maintain the position that “you get paid” for providing a service. In other words, a nice, fun chat is all she’s going to get this time. That means, if she asks for a drink, dinner, more time with you, another date, etc. you have to let her know right there that “that is going to cost you.” And say it with a smile.
Important: It’s very possible that some women will need to warm up to you a bit, especially after they find out that you’re a gigolo. So, go slow – don’t rush things nor be pushy. Your interaction with her should be comfortable, non-threatening, and yes…fun. (You can still tease her a little bit about stuff, when appropriate, but do it all in a fun way.)
And remember, do not appear too anxious or desperate.
Of course, you must get used to saying you’re a master gigolo without hesitating, especially if/when she asks you… “So, what do you do?” Say it confidently, and say it proudly. (If you don’t like what you’re doing, or appear ashamed to admit it, she will not want much to do with you.)
The same goes for when you’re telling them how much you charge. If any of the above statements come across as phony or untrue, it will not work. Your relaxed confidence will be your valuable asset here.
If she happens to feel negatively about gigolos, don’t worry – use it as an opportunity to help her understand what it is that you do, as you clear up any assumptions or misconceptions she may have. (Read: it’s a great opportunity for you to “sell” the idea, and the need, for a master gigolo (not the pretenders of the third class and so on). I’ve already explained to you what that is, earlier in the special report.)
Remember, your mood – especially a positive one – can be infectious. That means, not only will it draw women in, it will influence their moods and energy as well. Also, be ready to get “rejected.” (Rejected is such a weird word. Basically, be ready for her to walk away or tell you that she’s “not interested” in paying for your service.
Don’t lose your cool. Remember, women are used to guys coming on too strong. And…they’re used to guys starting to “beg,” getting angry, upset or annoyed when the woman says “no.” (The guys feel “rejected.”)
But you’re not that kind of guy, are you… No. You are a Casanova Gigolo, remember?
It’s not a big deal if she doesn’t go for your offer. It’s very likely that she won’t be out there looking for a gigolo on the very same night you’re out looking for a client. She may not even be looking for a gigolo, period. If she’s not interested, simply end things politely, and with a smile. And hand her your card.
Trust me, when she aches for that special feeling (which she’s not getting anywhere,) she will call you. Your job is simply to let her know what she’s missing out on, not to push/force the sale.
Also…if she’s not interested in your service, it’s still very possible that she may refer you to a friend who is in need of your kind of special attention. So, always be nice, never get angry or upset, and end things politely. (Leave her wanting more, even if she doesn’t appear to be interested.)
Besides, you don’t want to force, guilt or even persuade someone into paying for your services if they’re not a potential client. That will only end up in her flaking at the last minute or backing out for some other reason, i.e. she’ll experience buyer’s remorse.
Here is The Simple Truth and The Reality of ‘Things’ On These Goddesses…
Single women, even the rich ones, will get many men coming up to them and trying to impress her with their money, power or status. This kind of woman does not care for any of those things – but most guys do not understand that, and never will.
And then, you appear, and tell her that you’re a ‘Casanova (Master) Gigolo’. If nothing else, she’ll be intrigued and fascinated by you. You won’t be like all the other guys that came at her before you (and she may even be a bit relieved about that.) That in itself will work in your favor.
The bottom line is, your potential clients are already starved for the kind of attention a master gigolo (you) can give them. And that’s precisely why you never have to push or make a hard sell.
You simply have to present the opportunity in front of her. And, if she doesn’t hire you on the spot (most won’t,) give her a chance to go home and start feeling bad/sad/lonely again. That’s when she will call you. (If you start pushing too much before she gets to that place of “need,” you will ruin the sale. So do not do that.)
She’s Calling Your Number…Now What…? Rember the movie classic – Animal House when drunken wife of the Dean Wormer of Faber College crashed her car outside of the Delta House ‘Toga Party’? You must have the same patience as the pickup and seduction master Eric ‘Otter’ Stratton to wait it out.
Some women will call you within just hours after that first encounter at the bar, restaurant, or whatever. And sometimes, a woman will spend days, or even weeks toying with the idea of calling you, if she has never done this before. She may think about it, she may fantasize about it, she may even dream about it.
Whatever the case may be, you must always keep in mind that her first time may be uncomfortable for her. She may hesitate, be nervous, or even a little scared of the whole thing. And that brings us to one of the most important aspects of this job…
Comfort and Safety First And Foremost
Your job number one has to be to create a place of comfort, safety and security for her, from the very start. She may even be nervous when she calls you and talks to you on the phone for the very first time.
Be sure to let her know from the beginning that she has nothing to be worried about…that this experience will be fun, relaxing, and enjoyable…and that she won’t have to do anything that she doesn’t want to or isn’t comfortable doing.
Let her know that this is all about her. And, remind yourself always that that is your job – to tend to her needs and wants and desires. That’s what you’re getting paid the big bucks for. It’s not about you, it’s all about her.
Your job is to create a fantasy world for her. A place where she feels safe, comfortable, relaxed, completely free to be herself without being judged, criticized or ridiculed in any way. And yes…your job is to make her feel special, beautiful, smart, secure… like she’s the only one in the world that matters right now. She has to be your main focus while you’re with her.
Important: She is not obligated to reciprocate in any way, and you should never expect, ask or even imply that she has to do anything to or for you in return for what you’re doing and being for her. That is why she’s paying you.
Also…do not take it personally if she doesn’t reciprocate or give you the attention and romance that you are giving her. It’s not her job to make you feel special. But, it is your job to make her feel incredible, for which you are getting paid handsomely. She has hired you for that very purpose.
Always Be In Charge
Pay attention to her needs but don’t become a pest. You’re not a bashful servant that jumps at her every whim. You are a master gigolo – you are all man and all manly. That means, you are still the one who takes charge of situations, you are the one that gets things done.
You have to make decisions about where to go, what to do, etc. She is paying you for the luxury of not having to do anything herself. You will take care of everything. This may be tricky if you don’t know what she likes or doesn’t like to do.
So…instead of asking her what she would like to do (which is not a sign of a man in charge,) give her choices of what she can pick from. And, if she’s unsure, make the choice for her and tell her that you think she will enjoy that choice. (This includes activities, food choices, and anything else that may come up.)
Being in charge also means being in control of the situation at all times, and making sure that the overall experience is fun and positive. That also means, if she starts turning things negative, whether she’s feeling bad about something, being a bitch about something, or whatever… it is your job to gently (and sometimes firmly) bring things back to being positive and fun.
Fun and positive emotions is the theme of the world you create for her.
Be Fun And Be Cool!
It’s no secret at this point…your job is to make sure she has a fun, enjoyable time. Have jokes and interesting stories ready to keep her entertained and laughing from the moment you get together.
Remember what we covered earlier, laughter and humor can be one of your most powerful allies in this business. If you can get her laughing, you can get her relaxed, comfortable and entertained (and keep her that way by continuing the laughter.)
Make a list of fun and interesting things you can do together. Nothing serious, and definitely nothing that will require either of you to “learn a new skill.” This can make her uncomfortable, and make you look stupid – if you’re not able to do the activity well.
Going to the zoo, a hot air balloon ride, or any other similar activities where neither of you have to do or learn anything serious is a good choice.
Be Flawed And Make Some Mistakes. Admit Them And Move On
One of the ways to make her feel comfortable and willing to be herself with you (in the world you’re creating for her,) is for you to show her that you are not perfect. Moreover, you want to show her that you’re okay with that, that it is normal to have flaws, that we all have them. Nobody’s perfect.
Make mistakes, and admit them when you do. Make fun of yourself a little (don’t over do this.) Show her that it’s not a big deal.
When she sees that, she will be more open to showing her own flaws. In other words, she’ll learn to just have fun and not worry about showing her true self – which is something she has to hide from most of the people in her world.
Be silly. Do silly things, play silly games, just let loose – be a kid. And encourage her to allow the kid inside of her to come out and play. (This can be very liberating for her, and very powerful for you and your business.)
Never Judge
You’ve heard it before – you are never to judge, criticize or ridicule anything about her. And, don’t tell her what to do or how to do what she’s doing differently. Don’t tell her how to live her life.
She gets enough of that in her world already. If she was born rich, she has no doubt received more than her share of criticisms, advice, and even been forced into doing things a certain way or taking up certain activities, “hobbies” etc. just to appease her elders and/or her social circle.
She doesn’t need any more of that from you. That also means you are not to give her advice on anything, unless she specifically asks for it. And even then, do it in a very constructive, positive and gentle way.
Instead of criticizing anything, encourage her to open up more and be herself around you. And when she does, be very supportive and encouraging, be a good listener, and make her feel good about herself.
Even if you don’t agree with her beliefs or choices, keep in mind that this is her time. Her time with you is when she lets her true self out, when she enjoys her life and enjoys being herself … and your job is to see that she has the time of her life.
(Think about that for a moment… women are constantly being told by the media and by everyone else about how to act, how to look, what to eat, how much to weigh, etc. etc. Someone is always pointing out their flaws and imperfections.
And now, imagine the one person in the entire world who doesn’t care about any of those things… the one person who lets the woman just be herself and enjoy it!
Do you see now why women are willing to pay a lot of money for master gigolos with the above skills? And do you also see why most men suck at all of this and will never understand how to make a woman feel the way you can?) And, as if that weren’t enough to make her totally addicted to you, you then go on to…
Make Her Feel Special
Yes, you’ve heard this before, haven’t you? And you’ll probably hear it again before this report is done. Treat her like a princess. Romance the hell out of her. Make her glow.
Touch her very lovingly. Start out with simple, non-intrusive touches and let her get comfortable with that. Women are starved for a loving touch.
Hold her hand, squeeze it gently in yours, give her warm and friendly hugs and kiss her cheek, kiss her hand like gentlemen do to princesses or royalty. Squeeze her arm firmly but gently. Offer to give her a back massage, foot massage, etc. If she seems to want more, give her more. If she seems a bit reserved, back off a little bit and let her warm up to it.
Note: Do not get too sexual with this stuff until you get a clear signal from her. Remember, making her feel safe and comfortable is of primary importance.
Tip: Sex can be a tricky subject, even in the gigolo/client relationship. My advice is to let her know, when appropriate (before you’re about to spend the night, etc.) that she should never feel pressured about sex, and that she should only indulge in that part your service if she really wants to, feels comfortable about it…and, let her know that her enjoyment and pleasure is the most important thing. (Yes, that also means that your sexual needs are not of importance here. This is all about her.)
Saying something like what’s advised above will help her to relax and just enjoy the time with you without having to worry about what, when, or how sex will come into play.
Compliment her on her outfit or choice of colors, etc.
Tell her she looks beautiful (but don’t overdo this.) Make it sincere or she won’t believe it. It’s always more believable to pick out one thing about her looks and point that out in a positive way – especially something that others may not notice or mention first. (And be sincere about it!)
Also, find something about her that you really do like, admire and appreciate a lot. And, let that thing help you see her in a special way. (This will make you stand apart from most other gigolos!)
Once you find something about her that you really like, keep that thing in your mind, whenever you’re with her or are talking to her. (There may be times when she does or says something that might annoy or upset you. During those times, you can remind yourself of those good qualities about her. And, of course, remind yourself to not take anything personally. This is a job – one that pays extremely well.)
And, yes, most importantly… make her feel good about who she is. Her personality, her views and perspectives, her choices, all of these things make her unique. They make her who she is. And most people, especially guys, rarely if ever notice these things about her. (They are too distracted by her face, her chest, her legs, her ass, or any number of things that so easily distract most guys.)
Keep Your Personal Drama Out And Never Ever Forget That!
Remember what I said earlier… do not ever expect her to reciprocate and do any of those things for you in return. She’s paying you to do all of those things for her, not the other way around. That also means, you are not to unload any of your drama or challenges/upsets about your life on her. Ever. You can be a good listener to her – but not the other way around.
She doesn’t want to hear about your kitchen sink leaking, your car being broken into, or even your dog dying. Keep all that separate from your business (gigolo) life. As far as she knows, you don’t have any major drama to tell her about. If she really presses you about it and wants to hear it, keep it brief.

Is This Hard Work? Yes, Of Course. But You Are Doing It Now Anyway, If You Are Not ‘Too Successful’ In Other Income Generating Business Yet.
The same goes for your emotional baggage. Don’t let her see or hear about any of it. Your emotions will only get in the way of her expressing her own emotions fully and freely. And you can’t have that.
Keep in mind why she’s paying you. And…keep in mind what is going to make her addicted to you… it’s the freedom and openness you give her to be herself in every way.
It is unlike anything she may have ever experienced before, and definitely something she would not find elsewhere. That’s why this business is booming – and why you, the master gigolo can be in huge demand!
The Business Side of Being a Master Gigolo And How To Seduce Women Out Of Your League 2 – It Is Not About Sex
Yes, this is a great time to be in the gigolo business. And, if you follow the plan and do things the right way, you can be in great demand. What you must understand is that this is, in fact, a business, just like any other business. Therefore, you have to treat it like one. You have to invest your time and effort into it.
My background and expertise happens to be in marketing and business strategy. So, I can say with authority that there are only a few primary aspects you need to focus on, to make any business a success. They are…
1. Give the customer what they want!
This happens to be one of the hardest pieces for most marketers to figure out: understanding the customer. I’ve made this part brain dead easy for you by explaining exactly what your ideal customer/client wants, needs, and even craves.
Your job is to focus on those needs, wants and cravings fully…and then, give it to her! Give them what they want, and do it better than anyone else can. Or at least, do it as best as you can, without holding back.
2. Encourage Repeat Business & Referrals
Really, all you need to stay in business indefinitely is to get your existing clients to keep hiring you, i.e. create repeat business…and…create a system that brings in new clients without much work on your part.
If you do the first part well, your clients won’t be able to help but refer you to their best friends and acquaintances. (Remember, these are women with full lives and other responsibilities. So, even if they’d like to hire you every day or evening, they won’t be able to.)
Of course, when starting out, you will have to go out there and get a few clients by yourself. And then, treat them like royalty. Make them feel incredible. Do that and you will never run out of business.
3. Keep improving on the product
Obviously, you have to start the business with a great product – which is you, after you’ve studied this manual and transformed yourself accordingly.
But, the real business successes are experienced by those that continue to improve on the product. Keep learning and growing and making yourself better and better.
Make this a study. Become better at making women feel amazing. Become better at turning them on and driving them wild in the bedroom. (We offer some products that can help you do all of that.) Develop your conversational and entertainment skills (including story-telling and making them laugh.) Just Continue To become a better man.
In addition to the big 3 I’ve shared above, you need to take care of the administrative stuff, to stay on top of your business.
That means, keeping your clients happy. If they call you, answer the phone. If you can’t answer, they should be able to leave a message and/or text you. If they do, always return their calls or texts.
As your business grows, you will also want to start creating folders for each client. (I recommend that you start doing this with your first client. That way, you also reinforce the belief in your mind that this is just the beginning, that your business is only going to grow bigger.
Be sure to keep these folders highly confidential. Only you should have access to them. And, in them, you can start adding all the info about your client(s.)
Before you go out to see a client, you can open her folder and quickly scan through her info: likes, dislikes, interests, passions, etc. That way, when you go to see her, all that info will be fresh in your mind. You may impress her and make her feel even more special by being so familiar with her and her wants and needs.
And, since this is a business, you also want to keep the books straight, i.e. you should get paid on time. These are wealthy women, and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t pay on time.
(The only exceptions I would advise you to make are…
1. if she wants to see you on her birthday, I would not charge her for that, and…
2. if she requests your company because she has suffered a major tragedy or loss, I wouldn’t feel right charging her for that.)
When you do get paid, show your appreciation for it. And thank her. You want to get her “conditioned” to feeling good about paying you. It just makes everything work so much better, and eliminates a bunch of potential challenges.
Also, just like any other business or employment, you do not want to be tardy…and you want to keep your “sick” days to a minimum. That means, don’t break appointments unless you absolutely have to.
Obviously, there are exceptions – especially if you’re mentally in a bad place or going through a crisis of some sort. In those cases, it may be better to just take the day off and get yourself back to a “happy” place before you go out to see a client. Otherwise, you will bring her down as well – and that’s the exact opposite of what she’s paying you for.
And while we’re on the subject, let’s address the issue of clients canceling or flaking…
Every once in a while, this will happen. Your client may have to cancel or postpone an appointment with you. If this happens, don’t get upset or angry. Be understanding, sympathize with her if the situation warrants it, and happily reschedule.
However… if you get a client who continues to flake or cancel, especially at the last minute, you may have to set her priority lower than your other clients in good standing. (Like I said, this is a business, and you have to take care of these things, just like any other business.)
Similarly, you may end up with a problem client on rare occasion. It happens in every business. This business is no different.
If you end up with a problem client, who is either out of control, verbally/mentally (or even physically) abusive, someone who hires you just so they can treat you like crap or belittle you, you should never get angry or treat them like they treat you. But, you will have to let them go as clients.
It’s a delicate situation because this business is all about your reputation and referrals from your existing clients. For those reasons, you have to always keep your cool and never get angry at a problem client.
Instead, tell them that it might be best to reschedule the current appointment to a future date and time. And let them know that they can call you anytime to reschedule. (Of course, if/when they do call to reschedule, you can simply let the voice mail get it. Eventually, they will get the ‘message’ and move on to someone else.)
Let me repeat…your reputation is everything in this business! So, never ever get angry at your clients, or at least never let them see or know that you’re angry or upset. Keep your cool and leave on good terms, as best as possible.
Is This Hard Work? Yes, Of Course. But You Are Doing It Now Anyway, If You Are Not ‘Too Successful’ In Other Income Generating Business Yet.
Wow… all of this sounds like hard work, doesn’t it? Well, guess what… it is work! It’s not for everyone, and obviously not for the average guy…that’s why there is such a demand for this service. And, that’s why this report is full of advice and tips that can help you become a better kind of man than most men out there.
While it does require you to work, it is well worth the time and effort. The people you meet and the connections you make alone will be priceless. Plus, it pays extremely well to be a high-priced master gigolo.
Here’s what I like to tell guys, and this perspective may help you to appreciate this business and enjoy it, as well…
If you’re going to be in an actual relationship with a woman, i.e. have a steady girl friend, you will have to do most of the above work anyway, in order to maintain the relationship. And, if you’re going to have to do it anyway, heck, why not get paid for it!
Plus, unlike an actual relationship, you won’t have to take this stuff home with you. When your appointment is done, it’s done.
You go home and enjoy your time – without the woman being there to nag you about anything…without a woman requiring you to share and discuss every little decision with her before making it…without a woman assuming that the two of you are joined at the hip, and wanting to know about every little thing you do and everywhere you go.
In my opinion, the master gigolo business is 20 times better than being in a “relationship.”
Besides, a woman who pays you for your time will value you, and your time, 10 times more than a woman who feels she’s entitled to your entire life just because she lets you have sex with her.
And, when you think about the satisfaction and rewarding feeling you’ll get by making women feel as amazing and incredible as you could, so much so that they may become addicted to you, you’ll know that you’ve hit the jackpot as far as businesses go.
You will also be the envy of almost every guy out there. It really is a business unlike any other. So, study up, and then get out there to grab your share of the pie if you fancy being a master gigolo and want to Seduce Women Out Of Your League like the Casanova you are.
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